
The launch of i-REXFO at AgriUmbria

In occasion of AgriUmbria- the national fair dedicated to agricolture, zootechnics and alimentation- the conference "Ridurre gli sprechi alimentari con il modello di business i-REXFO" ( "To reduce food waste with the i-REXFO business model")  took place on march 30th last.

The project that aims to reduce food waste through the energetic valorization of waste, was fully explained by several experts. After greetings and the introduction of works by vice-mayor Ubano Barelli and a representative of the Region of Umbria Francesco Francescaglia, Francesco Fantozzi, professor of engineering at University of Studies at Perugia, explained the clue of the project. Then Emilio abbozzo, A+ srl, illustrated the communication and information activities dedicated to consumers. As well as this the importance of charities actively involved in the project was emphasised by Alfonso Dragone representative of Fondazione di Caritas San Lorenzo (Caritas Perugia). The conference was concluded by Paolo Rellini of Regusto who spoke about the recovery of surplus from the Horeca sector and by Mauro Atti, representing Gesenu, who spoke about the partnership between Gesenu and i-REXFO for the recovery of expired food for biogas production.